






Total Size: 17.02 KB



Created: 5 years ago


Edited: 5 years ago

$Log = "C:\Users\Public\Log.txt" [bool]$restart = $false filter timestamp {"$(Get-Date -Format G) | $_"} Function Get-OfficeVersion { [CmdletBinding(SupportsShouldProcess=$true)] Param ( [Parameter(ValueFromPipeline=$true,ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName=$true,Position=0)] [string[]]$ComputerName = $env:COMPUTERNAME, [switch]$ShowAllInstalledProducts, [System.Management.Automation.PSCredential]$credentials ) BEGIN { $HKLM = [UInt32] "0x80000002" $HKCR = [UInt32] "0x80000000" $excelKeyPath = "Excel\DefaultIcon" $wordKeyPath = "Word\DefaultIcon" $installKeys = 'SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall','SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall' $officeKeys = 'SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Office','SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\Office' $defaultDisplaySet = 'DisplayName','Version','ComputerName' $defaultDisplayPropertySet = New-Object System.Management.Automation.PSPropertySet('DefaultDisplayPropertySet',[string[]]$defaultDisplaySet) $PSStandardMembers = [System.Management.Automation.PSMemberInfo[]]@($defaultDisplayPropertySet) } PROCESS { $results = New-Object PSObject[] 0; $MSexceptionList = "mui","visio","project","proofing","visual" ForEach ($computer in $ComputerName) { If ($credentials) { $os = Get-WmiObject Win32_OperatingSystem -ComputerName $computer -Credential $credentials } Else { $os = Get-WmiObject Win32_OperatingSystem -ComputerName $computer } $osArchitecture = $os.OSArchitecture If ($credentials) { $regProv = Get-WmiObject -list "StdRegProv" -NameSpace 'root\Default' -ComputerName $computer -Credential $credentials } Else { $regProv = Get-WmiObject -list "StdRegProv" -NameSpace 'root\Default' -ComputerName $computer } [System.Collections.ArrayList]$VersionList = New-Object -TypeName System.Collections.ArrayList [System.Collections.ArrayList]$PathList = New-Object -TypeName System.Collections.ArrayList [System.Collections.ArrayList]$PackageList = New-Object -TypeName System.Collections.ArrayList [System.Collections.ArrayList]$ClickToRunPathList = New-Object -TypeName System.Collections.ArrayList [System.Collections.ArrayList]$ConfigItemList = New-Object -TypeName System.Collections.ArrayList $ClickToRunList = New-Object PSObject[] 0; ForEach ($regKey in $officeKeys) { $officeVersion = $regProv.EnumKey($HKLM, $regKey) ForEach ($key in $officeVersion.sNames) { If ($key -match "\d{2}\.\d") { If (!$VersionList.Contains($key)) { $AddItem = $VersionList.Add($key) } $path = Join-Path $regKey $key $configPath = Join-Path $path "Common\Config" $configItems = $regProv.EnumKey($HKLM, $configPath) If ($configItems) { ForEach ($configID in $configItems.sNames) { If ($configID) { $Add = $ConfigItemList.Add($configID.ToUpper()) } } } $cltr = New-Object -TypeName PSObject $cltr | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name InstallPath -Value "" $cltr | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name UpdatesEnabled -Value $false $cltr | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name UpdateUrl -Value "" $cltr | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name StreamingFinished -Value $false $cltr | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name Platform -Value "" $cltr | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name ClientCulture -Value "" $packagePath = Join-Path $path "Common\Installed Packages" $clickToRunPath = Join-Path $path "ClickToRun\Configuration" $virtualInstallPath = $regProv.GetStringValue($HKLM, $clickToRunPath, "InstallationPath").sValue [string]$officeLangResourcePath = Join-Path $path "Common\LanguageResources" $mainLangId = $regProv.GetDWORDValue($HKLM, $officeLangResourcePath, "SKULanguage").uValue If ($mainLangId) { $mainLangCulture = [globalization.cultureinfo]::GetCultures("allCultures") | Where-Object {$_.LCID -eq $mainLangId} If ($mainLangCulture) { $cltr.ClientCulture = $mainLangCulture.Name } } [string]$officeLangPath = Join-Path $path "Common\LanguageResources\InstalledUIs" $langValues = $regProv.EnumValues($HKLM, $officeLangPath); If ($langValues) { ForEach ($langValue in $langValues) { $langCulture = [globalization.cultureinfo]::GetCultures("allCultures") | Where-Object {$_.LCID -eq $langValue} } } If ($virtualInstallPath) { } Else { $clickToRunPath = Join-Path $regKey "ClickToRun\Configuration" $virtualInstallPath = $regProv.GetStringValue($HKLM, $clickToRunPath, "InstallationPath").sValue } If ($virtualInstallPath) { If (!$ClickToRunPathList.Contains($virtualInstallPath.ToUpper())) { $AddItem = $ClickToRunPathList.Add($virtualInstallPath.ToUpper()) } $cltr.InstallPath = $virtualInstallPath $cltr.StreamingFinished = $regProv.GetStringValue($HKLM, $clickToRunPath, "StreamingFinished").sValue $cltr.UpdatesEnabled = $regProv.GetStringValue($HKLM, $clickToRunPath, "UpdatesEnabled").sValue $cltr.UpdateUrl = $regProv.GetStringValue($HKLM, $clickToRunPath, "UpdateUrl").sValue $cltr.Platform = $regProv.GetStringValue($HKLM, $clickToRunPath, "Platform").sValue $cltr.ClientCulture = $regProv.GetStringValue($HKLM, $clickToRunPath, "ClientCulture").sValue $ClickToRunList += $cltr } $packageItems = $regProv.EnumKey($HKLM, $packagePath) $officeItems = $regProv.EnumKey($HKLM, $path) ForEach ($itemKey in $officeItems.sNames) { $itemPath = Join-Path $path $itemKey $installRootPath = Join-Path $itemPath "InstallRoot" $filePath = $regProv.GetStringValue($HKLM, $installRootPath, "Path").sValue If (!$PathList.Contains($filePath)) { $AddItem = $PathList.Add($filePath) } } ForEach ($packageGuid in $packageItems.sNames) { $packageItemPath = join-path $packagePath $packageGuid $packageName = $regProv.GetStringValue($HKLM, $packageItemPath, "").sValue If (!$PackageList.Contains($packageName)) { If ($packageName) { $AddItem = $PackageList.Add($pacakgeName.Replace(' ','').ToLower()) } } } } } } ForEach ($regKey in $installKeys) { $keyList = New-Object System.Collections.ArrayList $keys = $regProv.EnumKey($HKLM, $regKey) ForEach ($key in $keys.sNames) { $path = Join-Path $regKey $key $installPath = $regProv.GetStringValue($HKLM, $path, "InstallLocation").sValue If (!($installPath)) { continue } If ($installPath.Length -eq 0) { continue } $buildType = "64-Bit" If ($osArchitecture -eq "32-bit") { $buildType = "32-bit" } If ($regKey.ToUpper().Contains("Wow6432Node".ToUpper())) { $buildType = "32-Bit" } If ($key -match "{.{8}-.{4}-.{4}-1000-0000000FF1CE}") { $buildType = "64-Bit" } If ($key -match "{.{8}-.{4}-.{4}-0000-0000000FF1CE}") { $buildType = "32-Bit" } If ($modifyPath) { If ($modifyPath.ToLower().Contains("platform=x86")) { $buildType = "32-Bit" } If ($modifyPath.ToLower().Contains("platform=x64")) { $buildType = "64-Bit" } } $primaryOfficeProduct = $false $officeProduct = $false ForEach ($officeInstallPath in $PathList) { If ($officeInstallPath) { try { $installReg = "^" + $installPath.Replace('\', '\\') $installReg = $installReg.Replace('(', '\(') $installReg = $installReg.Replace(')', '\)') If ($officeInstallPath -match $installReg) { $officeProduct = $true } } catch { } } } If (!$officeProduct) { continue }; $name = $regProv.GetStringValue($HKLM, $path, "DisplayName").sValue $primaryOfficeProduct = $true If ($ConfigItemList.Contains($key.ToUpper()) -and $name.ToUpper().Contains("MICROSOFT OFFICE")) { ForEach ($exception in $MSexceptionList) { If ($name.ToLower() -match $exception.ToLower()) { $primaryOfficeProduct = $false } } } Else { $primaryOfficeProduct = $false } $clickToRunComponent = $regProv.GetDWORDValue($HKLM, $path, "ClickToRunComponent").uValue $uninstallString = $regProv.GetStringValue($HKLM, $path, "UninstallString").sValue If (!($clickToRunComponent)) { If ($uninstallString) { If ($uninstallString.Contains("OfficeClickToRun")) { $clickToRunComponent = $true } } } $modifyPath = $regProv.GetStringValue($HKLM, $path, "ModifyPath").sValue $version = $regProv.GetStringValue($HKLM, $path, "DisplayVersion").sValue $cltrUpdatesEnabled = $null $cltrUpdateUrl = $null $clientCulture = $null; [string]$clickToRun = $false If ($clickToRunComponent) { $clickToRun = $true If ($name.ToUpper().Contains("MICROSOFT OFFICE")) { $primaryOfficeProduct = $true } ForEach ($cltr in $ClickToRunList) { If ($cltr.InstallPath) { If ($cltr.InstallPath.ToUpper() -eq $installPath.ToUpper()) { $cltrUpdatesEnabled = $cltr.UpdatesEnabled $cltrUpdateUrl = $cltr.UpdateUrl If ($cltr.Platform -eq 'x64') { $buildType = "64-Bit" } If ($cltr.Platform -eq 'x86') { $buildType = "32-Bit" } $clientCulture = $cltr.ClientCulture } } } } If (!$primaryOfficeProduct) { If (!$ShowAllInstalledProducts) { continue } } $object = New-Object PSObject -Property @{ DisplayName = $name; Version = $version; InstallPath = $installPath; ClickToRun = $clickToRun; Bitness = $buildType; ComputerName = $computer; ClickToRunUpdatesEnabled = $cltrUpdatesEnabled; ClickToRunUpdateUrl = $cltrUpdateUrl; ClientCulture = $clientCulture } $object | Add-Member MemberSet PSStandardMembers $PSStandardMembers $results += $object } } } $results = Get-Unique -InputObject $results return $results } } $office = Get-OfficeVersion If ($office.DisplayName.Length -gt 0) { $outlook = New-Object -ComObject Outlook.Application $outlook.Session.Stores | Where-Object {$_.FilePath -like "*.pst"} | Select-Object DisplayName,FilePath | Export-Csv "C:\Users\Public\OutlookPSTs.csv" -NoTypeInformation Function Read-InputBoxDialog([string]$message, [string]$title, [string]$defaultText) { Add-Type -AssemblyName Microsoft.VisualBasic return [Microsoft.VisualBasic.Interaction]::InputBox($message, $title, $defaultText) } $text = Read-InputBoxDialog -Message "Enter Name and Path of Old Profile's PSTs`n- In CSV Format" -title "Old PST File #1" -defaultText "(ex: Steve,C:\Users\Public\steve@mail.com.pst)" If ($text.Length -gt 0) { $text | Out-File "C:\Users\Public\OutlookPSTs.csv" -Append -Encoding unicode $text2 = Read-InputBoxDialog -Message "Old Outlook Profile have more than 1 PST file? Into the box it goes" -title "Old PST File #2" -defaultText "(ex: jdoe@contoso.com,C:\Users\jdoe\Documents\Outlook Files\jdoe@contoso.com - Default.pst)" If ($text2.length -gt 0) { $text2 | Out-File "C:\Users\Public\OutlookPSTs.csv" -Append -Encoding unicode $text3 = Read-InputBoxDialog -Message "More than 2? You know what to do" -title "Old PST File #3" -defaultText "Remember, CSV stands for Comma-Separated-Values" If ($text3.Length -gt 0) { $text3 | Out-File "C:\Users\Public\OutlookPSTs.csv" -Append -Encoding unicode } } } $VBScripts = @("OffScrub03.vbs","OffScrub07.vbs","OffScrub10.vbs","OffScrub_O15msi.vbs","OffScrub_O16msi.vbs","OffScrubc2r.vbs","Remove-PreviousOfficeInstalls.ps1") ForEach ($vbs in $VBScripts) { $sauce = "https://lt.msinetworks.com/labtech/Transfer/Scripts/VBS/$vbs" $dest = "C:\Users\Public\$vbs" (New-Object System.Net.WebClient).DownloadFile($sauce,$dest) } & C:\Users\Public\Remove-PreviousOfficeInstalls.ps1 -RemoveClickToRun $true -KeepUserSettings $true -Remove2016Installs $true -NoReboot $true If (Test-Path C:\Users\Public\step08.ps1) { Set-ItemProperty -Path "HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\CurrentVersion\Run" -Name "ScriptStep" -Value "C:\Windows\System32\WindowsPowershell\v1.0\powershell.exe -File C:\Users\Public\step08.ps1" } Restart-Computer -Force -Confirm:$false } Else { If (Test-Path C:\Users\Public\step08.ps1) { & "C:\Users\Public\step08.ps1" } }

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