


Delete Moved-Over Agents




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Created: 4 years ago


Edited: 4 years ago

# Define Functions Function Resolve-Error($ErrorRecord=$Error[0]) { $ErrorRecord | Format-List * -Force $ErrorRecord.InvocationInfo | Format-List * $Exception = $ErrorRecord.Exception For ($i = 0; $Exception; $i++, ($Exception = $Exception.InnerException)) { "$i" * 80 $Exception | Format-List * -Force } } Function Connect-mySQL([string]$user,[string]$pass,[string]$mySQLHost,[string]$database) { [void][System.Reflection.Assembly]::LoadWithPartialName("MySql.Data") $connStr = "server=" + $mySQLHost + ";port=3306;uid=" + $user + ";pwd=" + $pass + ";database=" + $database + ";Pooling=FALSE" $conn = New-Object MySql.Data.MySqlClient.MySqlConnection($connStr) $conn.Open() return $conn } Function Disconnect-MySQL($conn) { $conn.Close() } Function MySQLNonQuery($conn, $query) { $command = $conn.CreateCommand() $command.CommandText = $query $rows = $command.ExecuteNonQuery() $command.Dispose() If ($rowsUpdated) { return $rowUpdated } Else { return $false } } Function MySQLQuery($conn, [string]$query) { $cmd = New-Object MySql.Data.MySqlClient.MySqlCommand($query, $conn) $dataAdapter = New-Object MySql.Data.MySqlClient.MySqlDataAdapter($cmd) $dataSet = New-Object System.Data.DataSet $dataAdapter.Fill($dataSet, "data") $cmd.Dispose() return $dataSet.Tables["data"] } # Declare Variables $u = 'user' $p = 'password' $db = 'labtech' $host1 = 'oldServer' $host2 = 'newServer' $conn1 = Connect-MySQL $u $p $host1 $db $conn2 = Connect-MySQL $u $p $host2 $db $query = "SELECT c.Name AS ``Client``, a.Name AS ``Computer``, a.ComputerID AS ``ComputerID``, a.ClientID AS ``ClientID``, a.LocationID AS ``LocationID`` FROM computers a LEFT JOIN clients c ON a.ClientID = c.ClientID ORDER BY c.Name, a.Name" $oldAgents = MySQLQuery $conn1 $query $newAgents = MySQLQuery $conn2 $query $IDs = @() # array to store the IDs that will be excluded # Define LocationID Hash Table $locTABLE = @{ 13 = '11' 82 = '12' 24 = '13' 118 = '15' 69 = '14' 54 = '16' 93 = '17' 103 = '18' 109 = '19' 23 = '21' 22 = '20' 20 = '22' 98 = '23' 78 = '4' 115 = '24' 110 = '25' 29 = '26' 77 = '27' 111 = '28' 30 = '29' 80 = '31' 26 = '30' 85 = '32' 97 = '34' 31 = '33' 17 = '35' 32 = '36' 106 = '37' 3 = '38' 53 = '39' 60 = '40' 63 = '41' 49 = '42' 73 = '43' 71 = '44' 112 = '45' 14 = '46' 33 = '47' 62 = '48' 1 = '1' 2 = '2' 86 = '3' 51 = '50' 50 = '49' 34 = '51' 55 = '52' 122 = '56' 123 = '53' 124 = '54' 125 = '55' 52 = '57' 107 = '6' 65 = '7' 101 = '8' 64 = '5' 66 = '9' 67 = '10' 75 = '59' 74 = '60' 8 = '61' 119 = '58' 116 = '62' 100 = '64' 38 = '63' 99 = '65' 126 = '66' 127 = '67' 6 = '68' 108 = '70' 36 = '69' 37 = '71' 46 = '72' 105 = '74' 102 = '73' 104 = '75' 92 = '76' 94 = '77' 121 = '79' 120 = '78' 15 = '80' 96 = '81' } # Loop Through the Location IDs on the Old Server # Compare the Computer Names with those in the Matching # Locations on the New Server ForEach ($key in $locTable.keys) { $old = $oldAgents | Where {$_.LocationID -eq $key} $new = $newAgents | Where {$_.LocationID -eq $locTable[$key]} $missing = $old | Where {$new.Computer -notcontains $_.Computer} $missing | FT # to output the results for verification, etc. $IDs += $missing.ComputerID } # Create the Excluded IDs String $exclude = $($IDs | Sort-Unique) -Join "','" $exclude = "'" + "$($exclude)" + "'" $exclude # to output the exclusions for verification, etc. # Get all the Agent IDs, subtract the Excluded IDs # Should be left with all the IDs of Agents that need to be deleted $query2 = "SELECT computerID FROM computers WHERE computerID NOT IN ($($exclude))" $delete = MySQLQuery $conn1 $query2 # For Each ID that needs to be deleted, delete it. ForEach ($d in $delete) { $dQuery = "call sp_Delete($($d),'Computer has been Retired.')" MySQLQuery $conn1 $dQuery }

$query (line 59)

SELECT    c.Name AS `Client`,    a.Name AS `Computer`,    a.ComputerID AS `ComputerID`,    a.LocationID AS `LocationID`FROM    computers aLEFT JOIN    clients cON    a.ClientID = c.ClientIDORDER BY    c.Name,    a.Name

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