Share, organise and discuss

Have you ever needed somewhere to share, organise and talk about code snippets? Well you’re in the right place! Code Clippet allows you to stop storing code snippets within text files and start sharing them with others, around a community focused environment.

Finally no need to spend time searching for working examples through endless code Q&A pages. Start sharing your useful code snippets and examples so everyone else can benefit! Be part of something great! Cut out the middleman!

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Features, Features & Features!

Comment System

Organise Snippets

Trending Page

Short URLs

Code Editor

Note Editor

Syntax Highlighting

Public Search

Messaging (Soon)

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Code Clippet Use Cases

Turn those horrible folders and files where all your useful code snippets are into Clippets. Make life easy for yourself. With Code Clippet you can convert all those useful snippets here online, one place and have a wonderful way to see all the important content. Move everything into the future of snippets, including folders!

You must have come across all those useful forum, website and tutorial posts for your favourite language right? Well if you’re like us, we got fed up of storing loads of forgotten tabs & favourites, using up all our memory! Well now you can convert those useful bits of code into Clippets; store, share and organise them in a much easier way from now on.

Ever come across times where you need to share code snippets or useful information with a friend, college, boss or customer? So its very easy to share right, with all the current available options… But do they give you an easy way to share feedback, thoughts or comments? Well Code Clippet does, and its private by default, you can even make your Clippets public and let others give comments.

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Supporting Code Clippet

Code & Note Editor

Unlimited Clippets

50 Clippets a Day (∞ first 24/hr)

Private & Public Clippets

Syntax Highlighting

Perma Short Links

Messaging (Soon)

Max Folder Depth of 3

Max Clippet Size 750KB

25 Comments Per Page

10 Replies Per Comment

1000 Comment Length

500 Reply Length

2MB Profile Picture

Badge of Support

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Drag & Drop Code or Notes Upload

Username Changes

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Clippet Encryption

Clippet Self-destruction




Premium Account

Supporting Code Clippet

Code & Note Editor

Unlimited Clippets

Unlimited Clippets a Day

Private & Public Clippets

Syntax Highlighting

Perma Short Links

Messaging (Soon)

Max Folder Depth of 20

Max Clippet Size 12MB

100 Comments Per Page

25 Replies Per Comment

2000 Comment Length

1500 Reply Length

5MB Profile Picture

Gold Badge

Turn off Ads Option

Drag & Drop Code or Notes Upload

Username Changes

Upload GIF Profile Pictures

Clippet Encryption

Clippet Self-destruction

Coming Soon!

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